Unebook signs an agreement with OCLC to incorporate its digital collections into WorldCat.

Diciembre, 21, 2020

The world's most comprehensive database of library collections.

Unebook signs an agreement with OCLC to incorporate its digital collections into WorldCat.

  • Unebook's digital books can be located through WorldCat and through libraries in more than 120 countries.
  • WorldCat is defined by the high-quality standards of the information it provides.

Based on a new partnership with OCLC, Unebook integrates the metadata of its collections of 13,000 digital books into WorldCat,the world's most comprehensive database of library collections. OCLC is the leading global library cooperative that makes information more accessible and useful to users and institutions through various shared technology services, research and programs, provided to its members spread across more than 120 countries.

The collaboration will allow the metadata of these 13,000 ebooks, published by 70 publishers of Spanish universities and research centers and 30 Latin American university publishers, to be found, thanks to the high quality of information, throughOCLC services such as WorldCat.org and WorldCat Discovery, a search system that helps users explore their research journeys to find and obtain resources not only in their library but in other libraries anywhere in the world.



The metadata of the Digital Collection of Unebook is added to the more than three billion records of electronic, digital and physical resources, of WorldCat, which include articles, books, dissertations and audiovisual material, content available to libraries and anyone looking for information.

It is the high quality of WorldCat metadata and other descriptive content that allows libraries to maintain their electronic and physical collections more comprehensively and efficiently.



For Alejandro Fernández Diego, Director of Unebook, this agreement “makes the Unebook content available through OCLC, materializes our goal of making collections findable and accessible for everyone”. "This makes it possible for Spanish-speaking scholars from around the world to know what we hold at our collections so they can conduct more productive research," he said.

Suzanne Kemperman, OCLC Director, Business Development and Publisher Relations, said: “OCLC offers diverse, multilingual content to libraries and their users worldwide through WorldCat. The Unebook digital collection is a welcome addition. Through OCLC, these valuable academic resources from important institutions and publishers in Spain and Latin America will be accesible to researchers everywhere.



OCLC currently has 18,000 member libraries across 120 countries. A non-profit organization created in 1967, OCLC reinvests its benefits in the development of new products and services that respond to the needs and ongoing challenges of libraries.Cooperation between members and ongoing research enable this objective to be achieved.

OCLC services (library management, discovery, cataloguing, digital libraries, and resource sharing) reach all kinds of libraries: groups, consortia and research, academic, public, school, medicine, law, corporate, governmental, specialized, state and national libraries.

More than 40 million search requests are processed daily by OCLC systems.



Unebook is the platform for the sale and distribution of the Spanish university books in Spanish in any format (paper, digital and print on demand), created in 2014 by the Union of Spanish University Publishers to disseminate the catalog of the publishers of the universities and research centers in Spanish and thus guarantee the correct access to such content worldwide.

In addition to the sale and distribution, Unebook facilitates access to its digital fund through the libraries of Spanish universities and research centers, the National Library of Spain and the Electronic Library of the Instituto Cervantes. 


Watch a short interview where Alejandro Fernández Diego highlights what makes the collaboration between Unebook and OCLC a valuable move for the institution

 An interview of ALEJANDRO FERNÁNDEZ DIEGO (General Manager, UNEBOOK) - highlighting the benefits of the cooperation of UNEBOOK with OCLC.

This project is sponsored by CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos).