Novedad UJA Editorial. Results of the 2020-2021: Research Seasons at Qubbet el-Hawa

Enero, 30, 2025

Novedades editoriales de la Universidad de Jaén

Novedad UJA Editorial. Results of the 2020-2021: Research Seasons at Qubbet el-Hawa
Novedad UJA Editorial

The history of the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, located in western Aswan (Egypt), is an extended one. The archaeological site was in use from c. 2500 BC to the Byzantine Period. It comprises many tombs, mostly of Old Kingdom to Middle Kingdom date, belonging to the highest and administrative elite of Elephantine, 1st Upper Egyptian Nome. This area played an important role in the ancient state, even though it was far away from the royal court, due to the exceptional nature of its border territory, its
proximity to Lower Nubia, and the expeditions and the trade with other neighboring lands. The Qubbet el Hawa Project, led by the University of Jaén and with the collaboration of the MoTA, conducted its first field season in summer 2008. Since then, research works have been carried out by a multidisciplinary team. This volume is the continuation of the previous one, Results of the 2019 Research Season at Qubbet el-Hawa. It presents and offers, to the wider scienti c community, a larger range of papers concerning the preliminary results of two campaigns, 2020 (12th season) and 2021 (13th season), and updates the fieldwork carried out during the past decade.

Autor: José Manuel Alba Gómez y Cristina Lechuga Ibáñez (editores) y AA.VV.

Editado por: Universidad de Jaén. UJA Editorial

Colección / Serie: Arqueologías. Serie Egiptología

Fecha publicación: 20/12/2024

ISBN: 978-84-9159-633-2

Tamaño: 25 x 19 cm

Encuadernación: Tapa dura

Páginas: 178

PVP: 40 €

Idioma: English

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