Words across History: Advances in Historical Lexicography and Lexicology is a collection of thirty-three essays presenting recent trends, in-depth analyses and corpus-based studies that together attest to the diversity and dynamism currently existing in the domain. The essays result from individual and collective works written by forty-three contributors from seventeen countries, who offer innovative and insightful observations by discussing relevant and up-to-date issues of interest. The volume covers a variety of topics, including the advances in digital and online dictionary-making; the difficulties posed by the representation of special writing systems and accurate pronunciation; the field of specialised terminology and lexicons; the influence of extralinguistic factors in dictionary compilation and editorial decisions; the interrelation of gender studies and lexicography/lexicology; the presence of authorities and sources of dictionaries; some new dictionary projects that complement traditional proposals; as well as diverse works related to etymology, regional forms, word formation or the relationship between lexicon and language-in-use.
- Estado actual de los repertorios léxicos en la Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española (BVFE). de Manuel Alvar Ezquerra
- El Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel), de Rafael Arnold / Jutta Langenbacher-Liebgott / Stefan Serafin / Vicente Álvarez Vives
- Technological Innovations in the Transcription Systems of Eighteenth-Century Pronouncing Dictionaries, de Nicolas Ballier / Joan Beal / Véronique Pouillon
- A Medical Dictionary for Personal Usage: The Latin-Low German Glossary on fol. 179r-204r of Copenhagen, Royal Library, GKS 1663 4to, de Chiara Benati
- The Etymological Dictionary of Old High German, Vol. V: iba – luzzilo [Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen, Bd. V: iba – luzzilo], de Harald Bichlmeier
- Les sources du dictionnaire bilingue franco-espagnol de Francisco de la Torre y Ocón (El maestro de las dos lenguas, 1728-1731), de Manuel Bruña Cuevas
- La lexicografía académica ante las disciplinas científico-técnicas: estudio histórico de la recepción de las voces formadas con -ística, -logía y -tecnia, de Cristina Buenafuentes de la Mata
- La enunciación subjetiva en la definición lexicográfica: Un rastreo diacrónico en los diccionarios de la Real Academia Española, de Piero Renato Costa León
- Género y discurso. Acercamiento al concepto género desde una perspectiva lexicográfica, de Ana Costa Pérez
- The Romanian Historical Terminology in the Translation of Charles Rollin’s History in the 18th Century, de Eugenia Dima
- The Italian Influence at the Beginnings of the Geographical Terminology in Romanian, de Gabriela E. Dima
- Thomas Blount’s Glossographia (1656): An Approach to Citation Styles in the Medical Entries, de M.ª Victoria Domínguez-Rodríguez
- Stagnation ou évolution des titres et fonctions au féminin dans les dictionnaires ?, de Georges Farid
- The Carrier Language: A Grammar and Dictionary (1932): Translation, Adaptation or Re-Creation?, de Marco A. Fiola
- Le concept d’étymologie dans les premiers lexicons grecs. Continuité ou rupture avec les dictionnaires étymologiques modernes ?, de Theodor Georgescu
- Autores extranjeros como autoridad literaria en el Diccionario de Autoridades, de Beatriz Gómez-Pablos
- Aproximación a la variación léxica y prosódica en noticias de radio en español entre 1960 y 2010, de Yurena-María Gutiérrez-González / Mercedes Cabrera-Abreu / Francisco Vizcaíno-Ortega
- Swedish Lexicographic History Revisited, de Anna Helga Hannesdóttir
- El tratamiento lexicográfico de los gentilicios gitano, judío y moro en los diccionarios académicos españoles, de Juana L. Herrera Santana
- Women in the Dictionary of Danish Insular Dialects, de Henrik Hovmark
- On the Classification of the Russian Manuscript Dictionaries, de Kira Kovalenko
- El sistema de transcripción de los sinogramas en el diccionario francés – latín – chino de Paul Perny, de Xavier Lee-Lee / Verónica C. Trujillo-González
- LexLab: experiments on the revised edition of the Deutsches Wörterbuch, de Nathalie Mederake
- Learner’s dictionaries across time: Trying to motivate the different treatment of bad language words, de Laura Pinnavaia
- Patriotic lexicography – an obsolete genre?, de Bo Ralph
- Creating a Historical Thesaurus of Scots, de Susan Rennie
- How to express changing written standards of ‘nynorsk’ in Norsk Ordbok, de Daggfinn Rødningen / Knut E. Karlsen
- Classification and History of Relexified Diminutives in Modern Spanish: A Lexicographic Approach, de John M. Ryan / Víctor Parra-Guinaldo
- Le(s) dictionnaire(s) entre (lexi)culture, détournement et notion d’intraduisible, de Laura Santone
- Recent borrowings from French to English:a socio-cultural perspective, de Julia Schultz
- Sociolinguistic Factors in South Slavic Lexicographic Traditions, de Danko Šipka
- Un acercamiento a los marcadores del discurso posiblemente, probablemente, seguramente. Primeros planteamientos y nuevas perspectivas, de Ariana Suárez Hernández
- El andalucismo «mancaje» ‘escardillo’ y derivados: área e historia, de Francisco Torres Montes
Esta obra se encuentra disponible en ebook y con soporte CD.
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