Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público

Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público

Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público (ISSN 0423-4847; e-ISSN 2386-9062) is a scientific journal founded in 1904 that publishes articles that are the result of original research in the different areas of Public Law. It publishes two issues a year, follows the so-called 'double-blind' evaluation system and is included, among others, in the following indexes and databases: DOAJCSIC, Dialnet, DULCINEA, LatindexREDIBRESH, MIARDICE, IBZ, PROQUEST PERIODICAL INDEX ONLINECIRC,  CARHUS Plus+, Google Scholar, and  Worldcat.

Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público is published online using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software that integrates the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) protocol for greater dissemination and transmission of its contents on the internet (

Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público (ISSN 0423-4847; e-ISSN 2386-9062) is a scientific journal founded in 1904 that publishes articles that are the result of original research in the different areas of Public Law. It publishes two issues a year, follows the so-called 'double-blind' evaluation system and is included, among others, in the following indexes and databases: DOAJCSIC, Dialnet, DULCINEA, LatindexREDIBRESH, MIARDICE, IBZ, PROQUEST PERIODICAL INDEX ONLINECIRC,  CARHUS Plus+, Google Scholar, and  Worldcat.

Estudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público is published online using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software that integrates the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) protocol for greater dissemination and transmission of its contents on the internet (

  • Editorial: Universidad de Deusto.
  • ISSN: 0423-484.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: D. CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y JURÍDICAS, D14. Derecho.
  • Indexación y calidad: FECYT, Scopus, Latindex, DOAJ.
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Diamante.
  • Formatos disponibles: PDF, HTML, PAPEL.
  • Periodicidad: semestral.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: Sí.

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