Nova Acta Científica Compostelana (Bioloxía) is an annually published journal which publishes original and unpublished research works, in the form of articles and notes, in animal and vegetal biodiversity and ecology. Furthermore, the journal publishes, in the corresponding sections, popularisation works, book recensions and all the scientific news which the Editorial Committee thinks of interest. The popularisation works do not necessarily have to stick to the aforementioned scientific fields; they can also fall under other scientific specialties, preferably related to the scope of biology.
The journal, of annual periodicity, is indexed in Agris, Biosis Preview, Zoological Records, ESCI, Algology Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts (Microbiology C) (Selectivo), Biological Sciences (Selectivo), Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (Selectivo), Water Resources Abstracts (Online) (Selectivo), Inter. Inform. System for the Agricult. Sciences and Techonology (Italia), Fuente Academica Premier, TOC Premier, ICYT, DIALNET, COMPLUDOC, REDIB.