The International Journal of Developmental Biology - IJDB

The International Journal of Developmental Biology - IJDB

The International Journal of Developmental Biology is an independent, non-profit academic journal published by scientists for scientists. The journal has a long tradition (since 1952) and is published by the University of the Basque Country press. We aim to publish selected and relevant information in a specialized journal that is widely distributed among researchers in the field of developmental biology, all of this by producing a quality edition with publication options that are suitable for any researcher.

The International Journal of Developmental Biology is an independent, non-profit academic journal published by scientists for scientists. The journal has a long tradition (since 1952) and is published by the University of the Basque Country press. We aim to publish selected and relevant information in a specialized journal that is widely distributed among researchers in the field of developmental biology, all of this by producing a quality edition with publication options that are suitable for any researcher.

  • Editorial: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
  • ISSN: 02146282.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: A. CIENCIAS, A5. Biología Celular y Molecular. , 050. Biología Celular.
  • Área de conocimiento 2: A. CIENCIAS, A5. Biología Celular y Molecular. , 060. Bioquímica y Biología Molecular.
  • Indexación y calidad:
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Dorada.
  • Formatos disponibles: PDF, HTML, PAPEL.
  • Periodicidad: mensual.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: Sí.

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