Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses

Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses

Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses is published yearly by the Department of Philology at the University of Almería. The journal welcomes articles, reviews, and interviews in English or Spanish which engage critically with a broad scope of topics related to English Studies as a whole, including, but not limited to, English Language and Linguistics, Literature and Criticism, History and Culture, Translation Studies, Philology and Textual Studies. Odisea is committed to the open-access format and to sound and unbiased revision of contributions subjected to a double-blind peer review process conducted by experts.

Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses is published yearly by the Department of Philology at the University of Almería. The journal welcomes articles, reviews, and interviews in English or Spanish which engage critically with a broad scope of topics related to English Studies as a whole, including, but not limited to, English Language and Linguistics, Literature and Criticism, History and Culture, Translation Studies, Philology and Textual Studies. Odisea is committed to the open-access format and to sound and unbiased revision of contributions subjected to a double-blind peer review process conducted by experts.

  • Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Almería.
  • ISSN: 15783820.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: E. ARTE Y HUMANIDADES, E21. Filología y Lingüística, 345. Filología Inglesa.
  • Indexación y calidad: Latindex.
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Diamante.
  • Formatos disponibles: PDF.
  • Periodicidad: anual.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: No.

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