Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies

Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies

Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies is a publication that analyzes the biosanitary contents of cinema for educational, discursive, mentalization and dissemination purposes. Its founders and current editors are José Elías García Sánchez and Enrique García Sánchez, professors of the University of Salamanca. The magazine is published on-line, is free and bilingual (Spanish and English) and has a quarterly periodicity. It is aimed at professionals in health sciences, education, communication and film and the population in general.

Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies is a publication that analyzes the biosanitary contents of cinema for educational, discursive, mentalization and dissemination purposes. Its founders and current editors are José Elías García Sánchez and Enrique García Sánchez, professors of the University of Salamanca. The magazine is published on-line, is free and bilingual (Spanish and English) and has a quarterly periodicity. It is aimed at professionals in health sciences, education, communication and film and the population in general.

  • Editorial: Universidad de Salamanca.
  • ISSN: 18855210.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: B. CIENCIAS DE SALUD, B7. Medicina Clínica y Especialidades Clínicas, 610. Medicina.
  • Área de conocimiento 2: E. ARTE Y HUMANIDADES, E20. Historia, Filosofía y Arte, 185. Dibujo.
  • Indexación y calidad: FECYT, WoS, Scopus, JCR (cuartil cuarto), Scielo, Latindex, DOAJ.
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Diamante.
  • Formatos disponibles: XML, PDF, HTML, EPUB, PAPEL.
  • Periodicidad: cuatrimestral.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: Sí.

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